This episode was filmed on Tuesday 7 February 2017 in Perth Western Australia.
Brooching the Subject:
- Anatomical heart, sent to me by Jill of Skein Enable podcast
- Necklace using vintage knitting needles from PoppyandBelle
Finished Objects:
-- See my Ravelry project page for specific details --
- Shawl shapes from Aroha Knits
- Knit Night shawl to give to author Clementine Ford, who wrote “Fight Like a Girl”
- Find your Fade!
Works in Progress:
-- See my Ravelry project page for specific details --
- Two-at-a-Time socks in Gnome Acres yarn
- Knit Night in Gnome Acres Wonder Woman yarn
Pop Culture KAL Prizes:
- Hogwarts knitting club postcard & SPEW badge(Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare) from Dominika: her etsy shop here:
- Bag from KnitSewPop
- Pop culture art book from DKS Art & Design, plus a large mini skein from Dingo Dyeworks
- Star Wars sock bag from Dubai Mel
- Sewing machine from Josie! To use to make the shopping bags for Boomerang Bags.
- Not a physical acquisition yet, but I have signed up for a three-hour crochet introduction class for this weekend.
Spinning Me Right ‘Round:
- YarnderNiece’s 9th birthday.
- Get Hairy February - sponsor me! I’m raising money for a domestic violence charity, as well as challenging societal norms that women should shave their legs, especially in summer.
- My little garden is going well. I planted some seeds to go with my seedlings.
- I’ve been having a lot of green smoothies, especially first thing in the morning. I have learnt that a good trick is not to put peppery leaves in. ;-)
- Green tip: rinse water from the tea pot can be collected to use for watering the garden (and tea leaves into the compost).
Hello from rural western Kentucky (US). I am loving your podcast! I was really wanting to find out how to get one of those Wonder Woman/superhero bags, but I can't quite see the tag on my screen. Could you share a link or the name of the maker? Please and thank you!